Why are hours with my provider limited?

The Upload Your Own Provider benefit program is intended to cover you for backup care needs rather than regular or ongoing care. Learn more about backup care here.

When you book care with an uploaded provider in the Helpr app, the app will keep track of your usage to help keep you within federal employee tax limits. You may have limits to the number of hours to book with each provider through Helpr. 

  • The number of hours you have available with each provider will vary based on a few factors including rate, relationship, tax period and location of care. 
  • If you reach a limit with a provider, the tax cap resets at the next tax period. If you have benefit hours left, you’ll be able to book with your provider again.
  • In the meantime, you’re welcome to upload and book with other providers. 
  • There is no limit to the number of providers you can upload to your Helpr app. 

Planning ahead? Learn more about US limitations here.